TL;DR: Knowledge I distilled after I did a lot of research and practice to setup tubeless on my mountain bike.
A few years back, I setup tubeless tires for my then road bike. Initially it was a success. However, it ran into problems later on and I went back to tubes in the end.
Long after I left my previous bike, I got another bike. This time I bought a cross country mountain bike. It's been a surprise to me how much things have changed for a mountain bike since the last time I owned one 8 yrs ago. My new bike is a 1-by, which is standard for mountain bikes now. Mountain bikes also have dropper posts as a standard part too. I never seen one of these before. Dropper posts are so great for urban use, you can easily get on and off the bike between traffic while maintaining pedal efficiency. These should be a standard on level-up commuter bikes. A good pair of hydraulic brakes are also very cheap, and even 12/13 speed derailleurs can be had for a decent price.
最近关于恋爱这个话题在我身边出现的尤其的多(也许既不是最近也不是身边吧)。关于恋爱 Drama 的新闻在我的时间线引出了大讨论,其中不乏看一眼就觉得非常错误的观点;而身边的人给我递来刷新的恋爱观和被我近距离观察的有好有坏的恋爱经历,也让我对此想了许多。积攒到今天早晨,凌晨醒来继续刷着恋爱大讨论时间线,便思绪万千、越想越多,开始问自己要“我想要怎样的恋爱关系”这个问题的答案。于是写下此文,以此整理下思绪。
我还活着,我还存在在这个世界上,可是有的人呢,已经不了。或许是见惯了生命的消逝,也或是自己所在的 Community 已经让生命的消逝成了司空见惯的事情,第一反应竟是:生活还要继续啊。不知道为什么有了这样的思维定势,也难以去思考自己存在的意义,自己曾经给自己定义过的存在的意义就是陪着大家吧。可是如果大家都渐渐远去......
So I have been a “casual cyclist” for some time now. From cross-country bike to road bike, I have used at least 4 bikes since I found myself enjoying cycling. However, one thing have always been plaguing my cycling journey: blown-off tubes. I never really understand types of blown-off tubes, which is why I put a quotation mark on “casual cyclist” as even though I (previously) ride a lot, my knowledge about cycling and bikes is pretty limited.
After I moved to Bay area, and started my “extreme” but scientific self-designed weight loss program (I might discuss this later in this blog), I found myself in need to find a sports program to help maintain some of my overly-high (compare to my ideal body composition) muscle mass to help maintain my base metabolic rate. I tried VR games and cycling.